The first time I saw her was when I was six months old, and although I don't remember it my love for her was fostered then I believe. I saw her again when I was about seven or eight when my parents surprised me with tickets on the day of the concert. I last saw her in Houston with my sister (who is now a bigger fan than I am.) It was good, but we were super far away, and Reba was wearing some bad pink pants. I hated those pants, and I'm pretty sure the general concensous after the concert was "She has an amazing voice, but what the fuck was up with those pants?" Or at least thats how it seemed to me. But this time we were pretty close, and it was just simply amazing. I'm still a little speechless. Reba has always been such a huge icon to me. I've always looked up to her. She's just a normal woman, who did amazing things. No drama, no ordeals, just a lot of talent and drive. Thats a big deal for me. But enough with my memories and inane musings. Let's get down to the dirty. Here are a lot of pictures I'm not labeling them, no further information for you. Just the pictures.
Thank you and good night.

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