Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pop Culture: Occupying Hollywood

Preface: I know I haven't blogged in some time, I'm just too busy.  I know that's not a good excuse, just as it wasn't the other hundred times I've said it.  Between school work and my work at my university's newspaper The Contraband, I literally have no time, nor the urge to write anything else.  To hold you over until a time when I might be more willing to write something again, here are some pieces that originally appeared in The Contraband.  I write a weekly pop culture piece, sometimes they are funny, sometimes they're not trying to be.  Although I think if you look hard enough you'll see some of me in there.  I hope you enjoy them, as I'm posting them one right after the other.

Things have been oddly quiet on the pop culture landscape this week.  The fact is unusual in a field that usually pronounces itself with loud outbursts, and PR stunts on an almost weekly basis.  This week no one has gone to court, no one has died, no one has been ousted as a vampire, and everyone has kept their clothes on.  I think it might have something to do with the somber national mood.  I’m not sure if you’ve heard as of yet, but people are occupying.  They are occupying Wall Street and saying loud things; things that some people do not want to hear.  So in a way, occupiers everywhere are the celebrities this week for finally getting noticed in a world whose news is usually being clogged by actual celebrities. 

The people who are picketing in Wall Street are doing something controversial.  I don’t want to get in to the specifics here, but I’m glad that someone is saying something.  Did you know that there’s actually a plan for an “Occupy Lake Charles” movement.  I’m guessing it’s a grassroots movement, and they’ve certainly gotten coverage on other local media outlets.  Although, on the subject of what they might be protesting, I have no clue; as far as I know Lake Charles is not the nation’s financial capital or anything. 

Because this is a pop culture column, I’d like to say that I wish celebrities would get involved with this occupying business. Not because I particularly want to hear what they have to say about financial reform, or their views on politics.  In fact I’d like to go on record to say that celebrities should never give their opinions on who they’d vote for President.  I’m sure President Obama would thank you for your endorsement Kim Kardashian, but I can decide on whom to vote for all on my own, thanks.

What I really mean is I wish celebrities would all come out in to the open, and start bitching about what it is that bothers them, instead of being their tight-lipped, strictly PR controlled selves.  I’m sure for the most part it would not be anything that is of concern to real human beings; and would likely be wildly hilarious.  I’d like to hear Paris Hilton complain that the discounts at Fred Segal are not what they used to be because of the economy.  I’d like to hear Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie complaining that the tariffs on adopting foreign children have gone up exponentially, and that they refuse to adopt a single other child until something is done about it.  I’d like to hear Lindsay Lohan (alleged drug user) to complain that in these unstable economic times she cannot get any movie roles, and that it is complicating her payment plan with her dealer.

Basically, I think that the people who are occupying Wall Street are setting a great example.  We should be talking.  We should be getting loud.  We should be making ourselves heard.  And celebrities should be taking their clothes off, so that I can have something to write about other than social issues.

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